10000 Days

Someday I will fly to the ether.
With 10000 Days in my ears.
Glorious flight in the chaos of inner space.
I may never return to the mundane here.
Instead choosing to remain free and floating in the place.
Where smiles and illusions enfold me in warmth.
The complete and wonderful absence of fear.
No worries, no old man aches, no deadlines, or critiques.
Do not mourn for me, instead rejoice, hold hands and sing.
Sing for my freedom and know I found my heaven.

Never Out Of Style

As I have lived I have passed through many phases, fads and styles. As 1 phase, fad or style passed into history the things that made up that fad or whatever had to be discarded or moved to a convenient spare closet to make room for the next phase.
However my family has never fallen into that category and were never an imposition or pain to have a round. I would have and always will walk through the gates of hell to lead them from it. May they always know that they will never be a phase that passed and never be relegated to a back closet in the spare bedroom. Love, me.